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Storage rooms or storage boxes in the sizes 2, 4, 8, 12m² and 2.70 m high can be rented easily by private individuals or businesses, even at short notice.
Many people interested in renting storage say that we are like a warehouse hotel.
All rooms in Citylagerhaus are dry, heated, camera-monitored and ventilated, and the Citylagerhaus site is accessible to all customers during opening hours.
Privacy is absolutely respected. 110-180 storage boxes are available for customers to rent from at the Citylagerhaus site and they offer a low default risk for potential investors in a property investment.

The Citylagerhaus idea
Garages and garage yards are probably familiar storage locations from earlier times.
In 2008, our first storage facility in Flensburg was equipped with boxes. Renting them out at good prices went smoothly. The constant extensions were barely able to meet demand. In the period up to 2016, we monitored and evaluated the market very carefully. The term self-storage grew in importance and was given a name: Citylagerhaus!
Then in 2016, another warehouse was built in Neumünster (Schleswig-Holstein).
Approx. 160 storage boxes are available for rent there. A competitor emerged. But “Double the space – half the price” did not stop customers from renting from a professional self-storage centre. “When we store things, they are stored properly, cleanly and safely!”

“Units”, also called boxes or storage boxes, may be rented by tradespeople, eBay traders, campers, sports enthusiasts, flat or home owners as a substitute for a cellar.
Damp cellar rooms, a draughty loft, an overfilled attic, a storeroom bursting at the seams: who has not experienced this?
All kinds of objects are stored, from garden furniture to Christmas decorations. Damp garages are often abandoned and boxes rented in their place. The storage option is also popular because of ever smaller flats without the necessary storage space.
We offer our customers appropriate security when they store their belongings themselves.
We try to make it as easy and uncomplicated as possible for our customers to move what they need out of their home and into storage at our Citylagerhaus.
Whether you want to keep furniture safe in the long term or just find a temporary home for it: we have the right solution for you.

In the USA, the use of self-storage facilities was already commonplace back in the 1960s. From 1980 onwards, warehouses were built in the UK, and the trend moved over to Germany via France and the Netherlands at the turn of the millennium.
In conurbations, big companies with about 1,500 storage units grew.
The Shurguard company was the first warehouse operator in Germany. This storage giant operates about 2,500 warehouses worldwide. In the last few years up to 2018, 260 storage facilities were built in the Federal Republic, according to the Self-Storage Association.

Professional circles such as the Self-Storage Association, which created DIN 15696 covering the equipment and quality of self-storage facilities, report:
in 2011, 50,098 centres were identified in the USA. In Great Britain there are 1,432 facilities and in France 336.
In 2018, there were already 260 warehouses in Germany.
In Germany, the “global players” have made the term self-storage popular. The growth potential here is therefore very high. BUT: There is also a need to act now.




Storage areas/storage boxes in sizes 2 m², 4 m², 8 m² and 12 m² are available at Citylagerhaus
To illustrate this, we have prepared a few graphics for you here. This will help you to estimate approximately how much you can store in each box size.

Storage box size Flat size Number of moving boxes Number of file folders Transit van (3.5 t) loads

2 m²

ca. 20 m² ca. 75 ca. 500 ca. 0,5 Sprinter

4 m²

ca. 40 m² ca. 150 ca. 1000 ca. 1,0 Sprinter

8 m²

ca. 75 m² ca. 250 ca. 1500 ca. 1,5 Sprinter

12 m²

ca. 100 m² ca. 400 ca. 2000 ca.  2,0 Sprinter

Many people think that they will struggle to fit their belongings into such a small storage box. Experience tells us, however, that they often underestimate the capacity of the storage units: only 5 to 6 square metres are needed on average to store the household items of a flat of approx. 50 square metres.
The benefit to you: Even if you are unsure about the size of the right storage box for you, it’s no problem. The rental contract is only concluded on site, so if you reserve a storage box that is too big or too small, you can also change to a more suitable size to accommodate everything without having to pay too much.
Come to us, repurpose the space in your home by moving belongings to us at Citylagerhaus, store your cherished items in safe, clean and dry conditions with us and create the space you need.

The storage boxes have the following approx. sizes:

Box Depth Width Height

2 m²

1,25 m 1,59 m 1,9 9m² 2,70 m

4 m²

1,68 m 2,37 m 3,98 m² 2,70 m

8 m²

3,50 m 2,28 m 7,98 m² 2,70 m

12 m²

5,09 m 2,35 m 11,96 m² 2,70 m



2 m²

65,00 € for commercial customers

plus VAT. VAT

77,35 €

4 m²

95,00 € 113,05 €

8 m²

165,00 € 196,35 €

12 m²

195,00 € 232,05 €

The minimum contract period is 2 months.
The contract runs until you cancel it with 30 days’ notice at the end of a month.
No deposit is required.

It is agreed in the contract that the owner of the storage space is entitled to make the following rent adjustments:

Adjustment of the rent by max. 5% p.a. on 30.06. of each year, for the first time on 30.06.2024.

Your stored items are not insured by us.
You must notify your insurance company about your intention to store belongings at Citylagerhaus; a phone call is usually sufficient. The details have to be checked with the insurance company in each individual case and agreed as necessary.

The rental fee is collected by direct debit and is due at the time agreed in the rental contract.
We do not have a cash desk on site and payment by ec-cash is not possible either.
The following rent payments will also be collected by us exclusively by direct debit.

Should your storage needs change during the term of the contract, you can move to a smaller or larger storage space at any time – providing a box of the required storage size is available.
Any rent already paid will be offset accordingly.

Only the customer or persons authorised by the customer have access.
The only exception is for legal reasons, in which case the existing locks are removed and replaced with others.

Yes, the storage boxes can be locked.
Each customer is given a transponder for access to Citylagerhaus and two keys for the padlock on the storage box.

On conclusion of the rental contract, the customer is given a transponder for access to Citylagerhaus during the opening hours posted in the entrance area.


In addition, the customer receives two keys for the padlock on the storage box.


This ensures that you, as our customer, have access to your storage box during opening hours without the inconvenience of making an appointment in advance.

If the keys are lost, a charge of €25.00 plus VAT will be incurred.

The specific opening hours are posted in the entrance area of Citylagerhaus.
As a rule, the following opening hours apply:

Our opening hours:
Mon.-Sat.: 6.00 to 22.00
Sun. & public holidays: 9.00 to 18.00
or by telephone arrangement

Of course. Our staff will be happy to show you the available box sizes and you can then decide directly on site which box size is suitable for you.
As a rule, the rental contract can then be concluded immediately and you can use your storage box straight away.


  • Safe, clean and dry storage areas adapted to your individual needs
  • Fenced-in site and building protected by alarm
  • Flexible terms with no long contract commitments
  • Knowledgeable and competent staff
  • Free use of trolleys and pallet trucks on site
  • Only you have access to your storage box
  • Available at any time, can be terminated at short notice
  • Prices tailored to your needs and comprehensive service
  • Video surveillance system
  • Rent the storage space you need easily, quickly and reliably with no waiting times!

We have provided a video for you on our homepage:
Please feel free to take a look: Prices / Terms

As a prospective new customer:

  • you make an appointment by telephone with our staff on site
  • you take a look at Citylagerhaus and your storage box
  • you choose a box size
  • you rent it straightforwardly and quickly directly on site
  • you can use it as soon as you wish!

  • First and foremost, the flexibility factor should be mentioned here.
  • The contract is only concluded on site, so that a suitable unit is guaranteed.
  • Short notice periods and a flexible rental term also ensure that there is no need to enter into a long-term contract commitment.
  • The storage boxes themselves are dry, frost-protected and heated, which may be important for your storage plans.
  • There is also the security aspect. Basements in apartment buildings are frequently prone to burglaries.
  • A rented storage box, on the other hand, offers the greatest possible security:
  • Burglar alarm system in the facility
  • Video-monitored entrance areas and corridors to the rental units
  • Humidity controllers regulate the air humidity
  • Smoke detectors and secure access to the building with chip/transponder

Citylagerhaus is your competent and professional contact for your individual storage requirements.
Rent the storage space you need easily, quickly and reliably with no waiting times!

Unfortunately, yes.

Objects that are highly flammable or highly oxidising must not be stored.

Likewise, storage of items that cause unpleasant odours or are classified as hazardous to health is not permitted.

Storage is expressly not permitted for the following (list of examples, expressly not to be regarded as complete or exhaustive):

    1. Foodstuffs and perishable goods, unless they are packaged in a way that prevents liquid and / or aerosol / gaseous substances from escaping, protects them from infestation by pests and prevents them from attracting pests.
    2. Living beings of any kind (living or dead)
    3. Flammable, combustible, radioactive, odour-emitting, environmentally harmful or otherwise hazardous substances and substances requiring a permit, e.g. gases, paints and varnishes, petrol, diesel, oil, solvents or substances containing solvents.
    4. Empty fuel and oil tanks
    5. Toxic, corrosive or malodorous substances and objects capable of spontaneous ignition, such as explosives, ammunition, weapons, biological or chemical warfare agents, fireworks, asbestos, toxic waste and the like.
    6. Pressurised containers
    7. Any batteries that are considered dangerous goods
    8. Chemicals, cleaning agents
    9. Prohibited substances and materials, e.g. drugs
    10. Hazardous waste
    11. Any other liquids, substances or gases that could pose fire or environmental hazards.

NO, driving into Citylagerhaus is not allowed. We ask for your understanding – for health and safety reasons.
However, there are trolleys available for you to use for transport free of charge in the entrance area.

At Citylagerhaus, we simply provide you with the storage rooms for self-storage; we do not offer transport or storage logistics services.
If you need help, please hire appropriate service providers, e.g. removal companies, or asks friends and acquaintances to help you.

An air conditioning system is not installed.
The existing heating and ventilation system provides frost protection and ensures average humidity is maintained in the warehouse.
The storage boxes are dry, ventilated and protected from view.
Of course, the weather also influences the temperature in Citylagerhaus. In summer, the building heats up because of the sun, while in winter the outside temperatures can also lead to lower temperatures in the warehouse.
If you wish to store items or equipment that may be very sensitive to temperature, we therefore recommend that you contact the Citylagerhaus team in advance.

Yes, thanks to the heating and ventilation system installed, a storage box is basically also suitable for storing files.

No, we do not offer this service – also for liability reasons.

Please remember that you cannot and must not use your storage box as a postal delivery address.

Delivery of goods:
Please contact us to see if we can find a solution together. Please note, however, that we cannot provide any guarantee and/or warranty for the proper condition of delivered goods or protection against theft, destruction and the like.

The storage boxes are equipped with automatic interior lighting (motion detector).
We do not provide power sockets in the storage boxes. Customers are expressly prohibited from installing such sockets themselves.




Your stored items are not insured by us.
You must notify your insurance company about your intention to store belongings at Citylagerhaus; a phone call is usually sufficient. The details have to be checked with the insurance company in each individual case and agreed as necessary.

We recommend that you make a detailed list (preferably with a photo log) in order to be able to provide this kind of information if necessary.

Yes, the entrance area and the corridors in front of the storage boxes are under video surveillance.
The movements in front of and in the warehouse are stored for 30 days and then deleted on a revolving basis.
The storage boxes themselves are, of course, not covered by CCTV.

No, the site is not sealed off.
Access to Citylagerhaus is by means of a numbered transponder, which is only issued to authorised customers.
Access to the storage box is secured by a padlock.

The outdoor area is under video surveillance.
A security service continuously monitors the Citylagerhaus facilities.




As a new customer:
you make an appointment by telephone with our staff on site
you take a look at Citylagerhaus and your storage box
you choose a box size
you rent it straightforwardly and quickly directly on site
and you can use it as soon as you wish!

No, there are no fees and no deposit is currently required.

Yes, but subject to the availability of an appropriate storage box size;
we will be happy to discuss a possible move with you. Please feel free to contact us.

The rent is paid exclusively by direct debit.
We agree a SEPA direct debit mandate with you as part of the rental contract.
The rent is generally collected by the third working day of the month.
If a different initial rent is agreed, it may be collected separately, depending on the date of conclusion of the rental contract.

In view of our flexible contract terms and the fact that the agreed rents are inclusive of service charges, we hope you understand that we do not offer discounts.

Yes. The minimum rental period is 2 months.
After the minimum rental period, the notice period is 30 days at the end of any month.

No, a deposit is not currently required.

No, if you wish to transfer the rental contract to another person, please contact us and we will clarify whether and how a contract with the new customer is possible.

Our principle: Citylagerhaus will never put a customer out on the street!
The rental contracts are generally concluded for an indefinite period with a notice period of 30 days at the end of any month. Our customers therefore determine when the contract comes to an end by giving notice.
We generally envisage that terminated rental units will immediately be rented out again.
If no follow-up rental is in place, we are happy to discuss a contract extension with our customers.
If you are interested, please ask IN GOOD TIME.

If, for whatever reason, there is a problem with debiting the rental fee, the most important thing is that you contact us immediately so that we can discuss how to proceed. TRUST is important to us.
Of course, we will also try to contact you first.
We will charge you a flat-rate processing fee of €10.00 plus VAT for the work involved in this and any bank charges incurred for the chargeback.
In addition, you will be charged the bank chargeback fees.
If it is then still not possible to make the payment despite every effort, we would have to provide your storage box with an additional lock and reserve the right to block your access to Citylagerhaus until a solution has been found.
Immediately after the arrears have been cleared, access will, of course, be restored.
We ask for your understanding in this connection and assume that we will be able to resolve the matter together without such measures!

No VAT is charged for private use of the storage box.
In the case of commercial use, tenants entitled to deduct input tax will be invoiced for the statutory VAT / sales tax in addition to the rental price and this will be debited with the rent as part of the direct debit collection.
The decision about whether to rent with or without VAT is made when the rental contract is concluded.

No, there are no hidden costs here at Citylagerhaus.



CLH インベストメント

We have put a short promotional video on our homepage.

Please feel free to take a look:

Property investment in self-storage for investors – Citylagerhaus

In addition, the Citylagerhaus expansion team will be happy to answer any questions you may have on

Tel. 0461/ 17639

or you are welcome to come

for a meeting in person in a Citylagerhaus



Martin Budde, lives in Hamburg, born in 1965.
Martin Budde has been operating numerous commercial properties for over 25 years. Sales, development and rental have always been the focus.
The self-storage facility in Flensburg has been operating since 2008, and in 2016 Mr Budde successfully implemented this proven, turnkey, carefree package in Neumünster.

With its self-storage centres, Citylagerhaus offers you plannable and secure processes for a sustainable and worry-free return on investment right from the start.

  • Tangible asset investment in a mature and fully tested concept
  • Yield can be planned in advance
  • Attractive competitive position in a growth market
  • None of the disadvantages of the familiar problems with renting
  • No administrative work
  • Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH as a professional partner for the entire life of the property
  • Attractive “passive income”

The Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH is responsible for managing the Citylagerhaus facilities.
Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH charges an administration fee.

Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH charges the administration fee in particular for the following services it provides:

  • Hiring of a property manager, training and induction, any change of the property manager, who is also responsible for the maintenance of the entire facility and ensuring a well-kept appearance.
  • Supervision of the regular maintenance of all technical installations in Citylagerhaus
  • Letting including all related activities such as viewings, conclusion of tenancy agreements, collection of rents, terminations and, if necessary, relocations within Citylagerhaus
  • Specified advertising measures to make the company easy to find on the internet and homepage
  • In addition to our advertising concept, however, the investor can commission further advertising by Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH, e.g. bus advertising
  • Establishing and implementing cooperation agreements with local companies such as removal companies and trailer rental companies, etc.
  • All legal and contractual matters with the authorities and market partners on site are handled by Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH
  • The management fee includes monthly accounting for the property. The annual preparation of the profit and loss account is carried out by the investor’s tax advisor, or, on request, by Citylagerhaus in return for a separate fee
  • Ongoing market observation and monitoring of the competition to ensure the long-term successful strategic orientation of Citylagerhaus. The aim is to strengthen the Citylagerhaus brand and constantly maximise awareness as a competitive advantage.

Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH relieves the investor of all the administrative tasks that usually accompany the operation and letting of a commercial property. The investor only has to check the monthly/quarterly report and the report on the activities of Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH. The aim is to build a real “passive income” for the investor with a strong brand in the background.


  • With Citylagerhaus, you are investing in an income property with all the benefits of renting out a commercial unit but without any of the risks or management work otherwise associated with that.
  • Almost no legal disputes with tenants, no calls from tenants, no renovation, no rent defaults, no service charge settlement, no deposit management
  • Long-term investment in land and an investment property with high appreciation potential
  • All administrative tasks and rental activities, legal matters, market observation, marketing and advertising measures are handled by Citylagerhaus-Verwaltungs-GmbH

Avoid the disadvantages of other commercial and residential properties…

  • Refurbishment in the event of a change of tenant
  • Demand for rent reduction on expiry of the basic rental period
  • Dependence on only one major anchor tenant
  • Good locations can change, e.g. when roads are extended, cities are rebuilt or shopping centres are created
  • Rent nomads
  • Tenants’ rights associations and litigation
  • Service charge settlement
  • Renovation requirements in the event of a change of tenant

Concept, experience, perseverance, honesty and constant market observation inform our strong orientation towards the future! The idea of a community and a full-service management company underpin the expansion concept of this investment property.
Seven well thought-out modules have been designed and can be used individually depending on the available plot size. These modules are ready for construction, and the fast building processes drive expansion.
Questions about issues such as taxes, the legal situation, insurance, labour law, etc. are all clearly answered in advance.
There is only a small risk of loss of rent thanks to the high number of renting customers.
Citylagerhaus is therefore a lucrative investment.
Our team of experts can answer any question!


☎ フレンスブルクの場所: 0461/ 95 704 470

☎ 所在地 ノイミュンスター: 04321/ 690 19 80

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